Saturday, 2 December 2023

Sweep the floor - level up

Day One: Broom & dustpan. Ten minutes later, the floor is swept; it looks good, and we feel good.

Next Day: Attention to detail.

Now, think and focus. What can I do better? Everything that can come up off the floor does, revealing yesterday's missed dirt in corners and under objects.

Once again, think and focus. What can I do better? Utilize a green scrubby, metal scraper, and solvent for anything challenging to remove. We scrutinize for anything that doesn't belong, from shoe scuff marks to stray pieces of tape. Getting on our hands and knees, this project takes longer than yesterday. Yesterday's clean floor now pales in comparison to what we uncover today after project completion.

Yesterday's clean floor now pales in comparison to what we uncover today after project completion.

Yesterday, we weren't lazy, but we didn't realize the potential we could achieve from the seemingly simple task of cleaning a floor. Attention to detail extends to all our projects; we provide printer cartridges as we clean floors—assessing each product and contemplating improvements. Quality over speed every time and never dirt cheap.

Day Three: Mopping...?

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